...의 정도로 영어로
- since
- 정도로: as much as; to the extent
- 그저 그 정도로: so so
- 놀랄 정도로: surprisingly
- 눈에 띌 정도로: sensibly; logically; sensically; rationally; sanely
- 못할 정도로: but
- 보통 정도로: standardly; usually; conventionally; regularly; popularly; as a rule; more often than not; widely; prevalently; customarily
- 불쾌할 정도로: stinking
- 와 같은 정도로: no less than
- 와 같을 정도로: as
- 죽을 정도로: mortally
- 죽을 정도로의: best possible
- 중간정도로: ish; indifferent; passably; auspiciously; adequately; inexpensively; moderately
- 한탄할 정도로: sorrowfully
- 할 정도로: insomuch as
- 눈에 띄지 않을 정도로: insensibly